
Amenities & Services

Valuable information for your vacation

Book directly (and get the best deal)

The faster you find your way around a hotel, the sooner your vacation begins. We have summarized everything worth knowing about our Gasthof Batzenhäusl for you. So that your holiday already starts at the front door. And if you are still missing some information – don’t hesitate to call us or ask at the reception.

gasthof-seefeld batzenhaeusl-außenansicht-3035-dj

Everything about your holiday booking

For your holiday at our Gasthof Batzenhäusl in Seefeld, you can choose from the following types of catering when booking:

  • half board (bookable from a stay of 5 days).
  • overnight stay with breakfast
  • overnight stay without board
Half-board includes
  • breakfast buffet with egg dish
  • three course dinner with a large salad buffet
  • possibility to choose the main course
  • On Mondays in summer, you will receive a voucher for dinner to redeem at one of our Kaltschmid restaurants.
Booking without food

If you book the room without meals, an upgrade to a room with breakfast is only possible on the spot after consultation!

Minimum stay and additional fee

For more information on minimum stay, additional fees and cancellation fees, please refer to our terms and conditions.

Dining hours
  • breakfast: 8am to 10am
  • dinner: 6pm to 8pm

The restaurant and sunny terrace are open daily from 11:00 am. Our kitchen team will be ready for you from 12:00 noon onwards, swinging pans and pots.

Our days off: Monday, 17.10.2022 and Monday, 24.10.2022

Music and Dance
  • Current dates can be found on our announcement board.
  • during summer, weather-dependable: enjoy drinks on our terrace from 11am to 1pm
We accept the following means of payment

Cash, online payment by EC card (A, D, NL), Mastercard, Visa. For more info on cancellation fees, minimum stay and surcharges, please refer to our GTC.

Other included services
  • WLAN in the lobby and in the rooms

You can go directly to the Batzenhäusl for loading and unloading. However, as our Gasthof Batzenhäusl is located directly at the pedestrian zone, parking on site is not possible.

You are welcome to park your car at one of our sister hotels (about 5 minutes away). At the check-in we inform you about the exact location of the parking lots.


After consulting our staff, you are allowed to bring your dog with you. However, we must point out that for hygienic reasons you can bring your dog only to the lobby and the a la carte restaurant.  In the dining room dogs are not allowed. Thank you for your understanding. Fee: EUR 12,- per dog per day.

Important information on arrival and departure


Check-in: Your room will be ready for you from 3 p.m. on the day of arrival. We kindly ask that you arrive by 8 p.m., since the doors are closed from 8 p.m.!


On the day of departure, check-out is between 8am and 11am.
In order to be able to provide the following guests with a room in good time, we kindly ask you to vacate the room by 11am at the latest.

For further questions & requests

If you have further questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact our reception.

We look forward to welcoming you to Seefeld!

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